
The fine school we now have is the outcome of the efforts and co-operation of many people - Sisters, staff, parents and students - over many years. It is our hope that you will be able to join us in continuing to develop the school and in building up its community, finding St Joseph's to be a source of life for you and your family.

Prep is a full time non-compulsory enrolment.
Prep Open Mornings are offered in the year prior to Prep all allowing potential Prep students to enjoy time at the school and experience the Prep program. The number of these mornings will be determined by the Principal and Prep Teacher each year.

Enrolment forms are available for download via the button/link above or may be collected from the Office. On return of the enrolment form, the Principal will contact the parents to arrange an interview.


Enrolling your child at our school means
that we will not only accept your son or daughter,
we will welcome your family.

To be enrolled in Year One, a child must have turned six by the 30th June whilst in year one.

Enrolment of students is the responsibility of the Principal and shall be in line with Diocesan and School Enrolment Policies and Procedures.

All new enrolments must be accompanied by a birth certificate and a baptismal certificate (if applicable) along with copies of any other relevant certificates e.g. Eucharist and Confirmation.

Parents are asked to accept that all students will partake fully of every aspect of the school program, except when activities are voluntary.


23 Willow Street, Barcaldine  Q  4725
Email: sjba@rok.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4651 2450


Catholic Education Rockhampton
© Copyright St Joseph's Catholic Primary School